
K-means algorithm

  • Random initialize $K$ cluster centroids $\mu_{1}$, $\mu_{2}$, ..., $\mu_{k}$
  • Repeat
    • Cluster assignment stage
      • for $i$ = 1 to $m$
        c := index (from 1 to $K$) of cluster centroid closest to $x^{i}$
    • Move centroids
      • for $k$ = 1 to $K$
        $\mu_{k}$ := average (mean) of points assigned to cluster $k$

Cost/ Distortion function

Optimization object:

\[ \mathop{\min}_{c^{1}, ..., c^{m}, \mu_{1}, ..., \mu_{k}} J(c^{1}, ..., c^{m}, \mu_{1}, ..., \mu_{k}) = \frac {1}{m} \sum^{m}_{i=1} || x^{i} - \mu_{c^{i}} ||^2 \]

Choosing the value of $K$

  • Elbow method
  • Sometimes, you're running K-means to get clusters to use for some later/downstream purpose. Evaluate K-means based on a metric for how well it serve for the later purpose.